16 February 2009

How to move from Specialist to Corporal

While earning your hard stripes gets you no more money, it gets you on the bottom rung of the NCO Support Channel.

Detailed in AR 614-200 Assignments, in section 3-14C,
“Commanders (05 and above) may authorize lateral appointment of SPC to CPL without local selection board action provided the Soldier concerned is assigned to an authorized (documented) NCO position in their CPMOS. DA Form 4187 or informal memorandum will be the only announcement of the lateral appointment.”

An authorized (documented) NCO position is listed on the Unit Manning Report (UMR). It, “lists the authorized positions and personnel assets of each permanent party agency. Enlisted soldiers will be assigned to positions on the UMR In Accordance With (IAW) the rules for utilization outlined in AR 600-8-6. All Soldiers will be assigned a paragraph and line number on the UMR.”

Note: CPMOS is Career Program MOS.

As far as I can tell, the UMR is prepared monthly by the unit S1 by the 15th. Training uses this "Alpha Roster" to update records.

If you are a team leader and write monthly counseling reports, those are NCO duties. If you “have soldiers,” you are in a leadership position. If you are the Training NCO and still flying the sham shield, prepare your own 4187 and put it under your sergeant’s nose.

On the DA 4187 in the remarks section:
1. Request Lateral Appointment to Corporal.
2. Date of Rank: (his/her DOR to SPC).
3. Effective date: (date you want the SPC to be a CPL).
4. Justification: List paragraph and line number on Unit Manning Report. However, I wrote, "SOLDIER IS IN A LEADERSHIP POSITION."